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How Much Does a Western Blot Cost?

The cost of running a western blot can add up quickly. Between sample preparation and running the blot itself, a single experiment can require thousands of dollars in materials. This can be especially true if the samples are from lab animals or primary cells. Even if the cost of the antibodies themselves is minimal, there are hidden costs for labor and supplies. Go here

The most important variable in determining how much the western blot cost is will be the quality of the antibody used. Buying an antibody that has been validated and optimized against the target protein will maximize the chances for successful data. This will help researchers save time and money while ensuring their experimental results are reliable for publication.

Custom Monoclonal Antibodies: The Future of Targeted Research

Proper western blot technique requires optimizing the chemistry of the antibodies, the blocking reagents, and the transferring protocol. In addition, the gel electrophoresis and immunoblot detection methods must be chosen based on the type of protein being analyzed. For instance, a reducing western blot analyzes proteins after they have been denatured and reduced to break disulfide bonds. This allows the proteins to be separated based on their molecular weight. In contrast, a native blot allows proteins to be analyzed in their natural state.

Lastly, the interpretation of the resulting chemiluminescent or fluorescence signals must be done using the appropriate software program. The use of a digital imager will allow for higher sensitivity and improved linearity as well as the ability to easily detect saturated bands.